The Lucky Dog and American Dog Training Centers

Puppies & Beginners

Adult Dogs & Intermediate

Advanced Off-Leash & Refresher

• Instant Leash Control

• Your Dog's Temperment

• Stop Pulling, Lunging, Jumping

• Five Secrets to Good Behavior

• Quick and Easy House Breaking

• Getting Your Dog's Attention

• Teaching Your Dog to Come

• Quickly Socialize Your Dog

• Words Your Dog Learns Quickly

• Listening & Understanding

• Secrets to Stopping Aggression

• A Down-Stay That Works!

• Truth About Food Rewards

• Best Equipment - Used by Pros

• Consistent "Heel" Instantly

• Effective Motivational Methods

Bring your dog in for a free evaluation today.


Interested in Becoming a Trainer?

No experience is necessary to become certified in the American Dog Training Center method. All you need is a willingness to learn, some honest effort, and of course, a love of dogs!

We are always looking to expand our staff.  If you would like to learn more about becoming a trainer using our revolutionary method then give us a call or contact us through the site today.  We look forward to hearing from you.